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Fleas causing you a problem?

Fleas can be hard to spot with the naked eye as they are small darkish specks, but if you spot something that color and it moves, you have found a flea. These pests may be tiny, but they can jump long distances and are a common pest for those who own cats and dogs.

Fleas carry disease and can pass this on to humans when they bite, so it is imperative to treat a flea infestation quickly and professionally. For every flea that lives on your cat or dog there will be 99 more starting to develop in your carpet so you need to kill fleas in your carpet urgently.

Malpass Pest Solutions will visit your property and carry out a full flea control treatment to benefit you and your pets.

Do you have pets? Worried about fleas?

Flea facts:

  • Flea saliva is considered to be one of the most allergenic substances as it can cause a skin disease in pets called flea allergic dermatitis (FAD)

  • Fleas can live between 7 and 14 days and will divide their time between living on your pet to feed and returning to your carpet to lay more eggs

  • The larvae then gets buried into carpets and upholstery and can lay dormant for several months

  • When the adults sense warmth and vibrations they will jump onto your pet and start the cycle again

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